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Very fun Galaga style game! I liked the power ups. I had a lot of fun dodging the bullets and ships. The attention to detail was great for a game that was made in such a short time frame. If you'd like to see a live reaction to me playing your game, visit

Thank you so much for your kind words! & thank you for the twitch clip! It's always great to see people's live reactions, and especially when it seems like they're having fun! 

I'm surprised to get such high praise over my unfinished little bullet hell!

109,900 and I could've kept going but fell bad for the ships! :D


Aha wow! Well done

Here's my playthrough - played it on stream last night:


thank you! That was really enjoyable to watch! I'm not too sure why the bullet collision stopped working at the end there :/ 

I think I might have made the upgrades too strong (especially the red attack speed ups!) if you had have managed to catch all the blues you'd have gotten to a special rainbow laser which I had a lot of fun making aha. 

I had planned to do final boss, HP bar, bug fixes & balance changes all on day 3... But got my butt kicked by migraine... I could only roll out of bed to export & upload it before I needed to go back lol. 

Thank you so much for playing even though it was unfinished! It means a lot, and great to see your live reactions!